Thursday, August 21, 2014

Route Change? - Day 20

Contest: Find Mike in the picture. Good Luck.
Winner will be announced at the Party of the Century with a prize
No shoulder - a bad problem to have!

The Lord blessed us with a beautiful day! A little cool but it’s better than the other way.
We headed to our destination for the day: Vanderhoof, BC. We made it! We rode 50 miles today and stepped it up on our walking to 12 miles. A GREAT DAY!

We had a serious problem once we hit Prince George. Other than being very congested and lots of construction,we ran out of shoulders. There were places where the shoulders (pavement outside the white line) were 16-24” wide. And others (like on bridges) where there were no shoulders. That is toooooo dangerous to ride on or walk on. Since leaving Prince George it has improved but not like it was east of here. Something we have to consider when moving forward.

Another option has reared itself (it’s both good and bad): We did some checking on the ferry’s in Prince Rupert. It appears its going to cost over $300 to take the ferry and it’s a 7.5 hour trip each way with hotels needed in Ketchikan plus finding a place to leave the motor home/trailer. On top of that, several of the days around when we should arrive the ferry is sold out! Another option that we are looking at...going to Stewart, BC. It is on the Alaska border (across from a town called Hyder, AK) It is actually 12 kilometers closer than Prince Rupert and we will be able to actually ride our bikes into Alaska! We are told by locals that the highway off Hwy 16 to Stewart was recently paved and it is fantastic as far as breathtaking views. We are considering this option and will keep you updated.

Again, as always, please keep praying for us as we are for you.

God Bless,
