Monday, September 1, 2014

The Road Home - Day 29

Day 29

Well, we are getting closer to home. We right now are in a Walmart parking lot in Williston, ND. Got here about 8 PM. Believe it or not we had an older couple pulled in next to us (from Little Rock, Arkansas) and they are interested in buying the motor home from Mike. YEAH! There is no campgrounds available anywhere here. Oh well. We now realize and expect we’ll be home some time on Monday. YEAH!

We left Calgary about 8 AM and took off. We discovered when we entered the US in Montana (middle of state) that the roads here are better than the roads in Canada. Also the gas is about $2 per gallon less!

We decided to share with you what we've missed the most:

  1. My family, Sandi, kids, grandkids, siblings, etc…
  2. My hot tub and recliner.
  1. Debbie.
  2. My bed.
  3. My grandkids and family.
  1. Family.
  2. My bed.
  3. My business.

What was the most amazing about the trip:

  1. What we saw (Mountains, Glaciers, lakes & steams, and the wildlife). The Lord’s gift!
  2. WE MADE IT! (I guess we always thought we would, but still incredible we did).
  3. All the people we met along the way and how amazing that lots had connections to back home.
  4. Taking 4 bad falls and still OK!
  1. How strong the wind can be!
  2. That the Sunset camper held up.
  3. The scenery.
  1. Rocky Mountains.
  2. Inspiration that inspired me to go!
  3. We old bums could get together and have a good time in cramped quarters. 

What was the hardest thing about the trip:

  1. Riding uphill
  2. Riding into the wind
  3. Finding a campground everyday!
  1. Motivating yourself everyday to ride!
  2. Washing clothes.
  1. Filling in for Mike when he couldn’t walk. (blisters)
  2. Having to leave my family behind.
  3. Hard for me to realize the trip is over.

Final thoughts:

The Grace Fund will mean so much to me now! Thank you Jesus.

Mike: If I ever get talked into this trip again I’d do it from the West to the East.

Tim: Amazing Grace!


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