Wednesday, October 1, 2014

More pics for the POC (Party of the Century)

Hi Kevin

What a good lookin' crowd...

Todd taking Chuck's "after the trek" measurements

Happy supporters

I love the way the light is hitting Chuck's t-shirt...

Todd taking Mike's "after the trek" measurements

Where's the food?

I won a what?

Shake your groove thang

The arsenal

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Party of the Century

Several weeks have passed since the boys returned home, which was cause for celebration! The "Party of the Century" was held this past Saturday and was a very fun time. Many came out to Wilkins Bar & Resort to show their support, which The Grace Fund is very grateful for. I believe there was about 200 people there for the event. We laughed and danced the night away thanks to The White Sidewalls who came to play for everyone - . What a great band!

The money raised for The Grace Fund was an impressive $6300. WOW! Nice work Chuck & Mike. A huge THANK YOU to everyone who is supporting the cause. Here's what was raised:
$300 on paddles
$2010 on live auction
$1886 on silent auction
$305 on t-shirts (counts Mike’s 10)
AND $1846.00 in donations
At the party we also took Chuck and Mike's new measurements to see how much they lost on the trip. Results:

Waist start: 43
Waist end: 42
Arm start: 15
Arm end:15

Waist start: 43
Waist end: 39
Arm start: 14
Arm end:13

Here are a few pics from the party, with more to come. If you have any you'd like to share, please e-mail them to me at and I will post them on the blog. 

Monday, September 1, 2014

Finally Home - Day 30

Day 30

We've done it! We are home! We arrived home last night around 8 PM. We drove 700 miles from Williston, ND, in 12 hours. We are bushed, but so thankful to be home. 

We want to tell you all how much we love you and your support/prayers over the past 30 days. Thank you!! We'd like you to show us you love us, too, by coming to the "Party of the Century" and celebrate with us (September 19th, 7:00 PM - Wilkins Bar & Resort, Bone Lake, WI).

For those of you who are curious, I did weigh myself upon arrival at home. When I left I weighed 243 (which is a pretty good weight for me), and today I weigh 222! I lost a few. Not sure what Mike will weigh but he lost some too.

Here are some pics from our drive home...

~Chuck (CE) Langeness & Mike Broten

Home Sweet Home!
Interesting point of view
More glacier pics
My favorite pic - Paula
Rugged terrain
45 degree incline

At Tim Horton's
Proof we were there (Banff)

The Road Home - Day 29

Day 29

Well, we are getting closer to home. We right now are in a Walmart parking lot in Williston, ND. Got here about 8 PM. Believe it or not we had an older couple pulled in next to us (from Little Rock, Arkansas) and they are interested in buying the motor home from Mike. YEAH! There is no campgrounds available anywhere here. Oh well. We now realize and expect we’ll be home some time on Monday. YEAH!

We left Calgary about 8 AM and took off. We discovered when we entered the US in Montana (middle of state) that the roads here are better than the roads in Canada. Also the gas is about $2 per gallon less!

We decided to share with you what we've missed the most:

  1. My family, Sandi, kids, grandkids, siblings, etc…
  2. My hot tub and recliner.
  1. Debbie.
  2. My bed.
  3. My grandkids and family.
  1. Family.
  2. My bed.
  3. My business.

What was the most amazing about the trip:

  1. What we saw (Mountains, Glaciers, lakes & steams, and the wildlife). The Lord’s gift!
  2. WE MADE IT! (I guess we always thought we would, but still incredible we did).
  3. All the people we met along the way and how amazing that lots had connections to back home.
  4. Taking 4 bad falls and still OK!
  1. How strong the wind can be!
  2. That the Sunset camper held up.
  3. The scenery.
  1. Rocky Mountains.
  2. Inspiration that inspired me to go!
  3. We old bums could get together and have a good time in cramped quarters. 

What was the hardest thing about the trip:

  1. Riding uphill
  2. Riding into the wind
  3. Finding a campground everyday!
  1. Motivating yourself everyday to ride!
  2. Washing clothes.
  1. Filling in for Mike when he couldn’t walk. (blisters)
  2. Having to leave my family behind.
  3. Hard for me to realize the trip is over.

Final thoughts:

The Grace Fund will mean so much to me now! Thank you Jesus.

Mike: If I ever get talked into this trip again I’d do it from the West to the East.

Tim: Amazing Grace!


Friday, August 29, 2014

Way To Go Guys!!

A HUGE Congratulations to Chuck, Mike, and Tim.
What an accomplishment.
We are so proud of you!

Fun Pics

Almost there

Saying goodbye to Hyder

Mike found a new friend

We saw a lot of these signs. "YEAR ROUND", Really?

"I heard I could find "Meals on Wheels" over here somewhere? ~ Ted E. Bear

Got that right, not after 1700 miles!

A Few Late Posts

The guys have had some communications challenges. Tonight I've received posts that are late, but I think worthy of sharing because it captures what they have experienced and have been feeling. So, hopefully you can make sense of these and enjoy them for what they offer. Here we go:

Day 27

We are on our way home! Below is the final count of walking and riding for the entire trip. We left Hyder, Alaska, at 7:30 AM and ended the day in Smithers, BC, at 7:15 PM. 650 miles. The first hour we made 36 miles. That’s how mountainous it is. At the end we thought we were going to run out of gas. We were going from Prince George to McBride (approximately 94 miles). There was one gas station in between and the gas was $8.00 per gallon. They suggested we just get what we need to get to McBride which they said was 74 miles away. It turned out to be 94 miles away and we were close to running out. One gas gauge does not work on the motor home and the other is inaccurate!! The last tank of gas we figured we got about 3-4 MPG…guess it was the way the driver was driving (wasn’t me). The 10 gallons we put in at $8.00 per gallon gave us 7.2 MPG…better (I was driving). The normal price us here is about $5.60 per gallon and the further south we go the lower the price becomes. We quickly set up camp and tried to get football on the radio (Sirius) or my computer. We were somewhat successful and got to follow one game - A winner by the way!

One the way out of Hyder

We are in awe of the beauty

We hit the hay early and looking for a big day tomorrow. We were unable to communicate so we have to apologize for all the info and the pictures you haven’t received yet. They are amazing, however, agreed?

Day Walk Ride Total
(8/2 Sat.) 7.5 55 62.52 
(8/3 Sun.) 1 60 613 
(8/4 Mon.) 5 52 574 
(8/5 Tue) 4 14.8 18.85 
(8/6 Wed) 8 60 686 
(8/7 Thur) 8 47.1 55.17 
(8/8 Fri) 12.5 60.2 72.78 
(8/9 Sat) 28 35.2 63.29 
(8/10 Sun) 7 30 3710 
(8/11 Mon) 16 53.9 69.911 
(8/12 Tue) 4 57 6112 
(8/13 Wed) 18 50.4 68.413 
(8/14 Thur) 11 49.4 60.414 
(8/15 Fri) 14 61.1 75.115 
(8/16 Sat) 15 55 7016 
(8/17 Sun) 6 62.6 68.617 
(8/18 Mon) 16 60.2 76.218 
(8/19 Tue) 17 64 8119 
(8/20 Wed) 2 60.5 62.520 
(8/21 Thur) 11.5 50 61.521 
(8/22 Fri) 16.6 52.6 69.222 
(8/23 Sat) 2 75 7723 
(8/24 Sun) 7 80.6 87.624 
(8/25 Mon) 8 88.9 96.925 
(8/26 Tue) 10 72.4 82.426 
(8/27 Wed) 3 66 69
TOTAL 258.1 1473.9 1732

Day 26 
Good News:
No, GREAT NEWS! We are in Alaska!!!! Hyder, Alaska! I have to tell you this is beyond belief. I promise you that this is something like I’ve never seen before. Now, I know I’ve said that before (like in Jasper, and I meant it) but this is beyond a picture, beyond a description. It brought tears to my eyes. I can tell you this - if you take a vacation and come to Stewart, BC and Hyder, Alaska, you must drive up 37 and over on 37A and it will be the most incredible experience you’ll ever have. (check out the pictures)!

Bad News: 
Another accident/fall. We went out to where you view the bears eating the fish and I was walking along on some wood timbers and took a nose dive onto the asphalt parking lot, face first. My face got the worse of it, but both hands and one knee were also bleeding. I had onlookers that came forth to help. I was very fortunate that I missed my eye by fractions of an inch. Quite a bit of blood, and some ouches that will hurt more tomorrow. Maybe even a black eye? 

No pain, no gain!

More Good News: 
Today in Hyder we went 20 miles up a gravel road (awful) to see the Salmon Glacier (along with 20 more). It was the worse road trip in a long time. The 20 miles took 1 hour to complete. BUT it was worth it (see the pictures)

Even Better News: 
After the Glacier viewing we went back to the salmon stream where the bear frequent. It is run by the US National Parks. Turned out it cost $5 each to walk out the boardwalk down the stream. The ranger told us it was real iffy this late in the season that we’d see bear. We left and talked about it and Mike said if I was at the casino I’d make the $5 bet and not think twice. We went back to pay our way in and the ranger said “What is the Grace Fund?” We told him yes and low and behold he let us in free. We waited for awhile (with lots of other people) and then BOOM! someone called out BEAR! He was way down the stream. My camera wouldn’t pick him up, but sure enough he walked up the stream and I got some fabulous pictures of this huge grizzly eating salmon. WOW WOW WOW or how about OMG (better Paula?). Hopefully the pictures will tell the story better. My trip was complete. We got back to the campsite about 7:30 PM and we are getting to bed early and heading south tomorrow.

Not-So-Funny Story:
When we checked into an RV park in Hyder, Alaska, we asked the lady where the salmon stream was that the bears frequent? Told her we might just ride our bikes up there. She said, “NO NO NO NO! You will not do that...that’s called meals on wheels.”

We met another local who told us about Gordy who was eaten by a Grizzly several years ago. Said he was a cook across the street (seafood restaurant) and after cooking all day he left to go home (smelling like fish) and didn’t make it across the street. They have no police in Hyder so they had to call the game warden.

There was a wager made whether there’d be a Tim Horton’s and/or Subway in Stewart or Hyder. There was neither, nor was there any other kind of fast food. In fact there was one gas station in Stewart and none in Hyder. At the border there was a guard station going into Canada and everyone had to stop but NOTHING going into the USA. Hmmmmmmm, interesting.

PS: It’s COLD here and my body really hurts.


Day 22
What a Saturday. We had to hustle today - need to make tracks with Tim back in the saddle. He is finally health wise ok…obviously a 24 hour bug? Today the temperature was cold. When we went out to take off on our bikes we had to go back in and put on sweatshirts/jackets our caps, etc. before we took off. That’s a first for us (with the extra clothing). You can see us adorned in our cold weather gear in one of the pictures for today. WE will make Burns Lake today. The smoke and the hills/mountains are back. Hopefully the pictures will tell the story.

I want to update you on our physical condition: I’ll start with the worst - ME! 

Mike (AKA "Sleeping Beauty")
As you know I'm 66 and feel much closer to 86. My whole body aches, but let’s get to the specifics. My cut knee is healing nicely. I have a big scab about they size of a silver dollar and just as hard. My left should still hurts big time if I try to raise my left arm. Other than that it’s not bad. For some reason I don’t seem to have much strength in my fingers, I tried again to cut my fingernails with a fingernail clipper and can’t squeeze hard enough to cut them. Even tough cutting a fried egg this morning with a fork - can’t push hard enough. My right knee hurts after we’ve ridden over 20 miles in a day. My eczema is flaring and I want a MASSAGE IN THE WORSE WAY! Other than that I’m fine! Mike: He said he’s getting tired of the ride day in and day out. Starting to take a toll on him. Said his body is numb! Two nights ago he fell asleep at 8PM and slept until after 6AM. We know he was asleep cause we heard the snoring. He is the youngest of the group at 62 so he shouldn’t have too much to complain about.

Tim: He is the OLDEST of the group at 66 (one month older than me). He claims he’s getting stronger every day (other than his cold setback). He takes arthritis medicine and states that he could hardly walk 50 feet a couple years ago. I do have to say he’s one of the best dancers I’ve every seen (just kidding Nancy). 

Now let’s talk appearances: Tim: No change. Mike: A little slimmer in the middle.
They both shave and shower almost daily so no appearance changes or bad odors. Chuck: Slimmer (but I think you’ll still recognize me Sandi and kids). My beard is longer — maybe keep it this way? My hair is also longer: matts down during the night.

We met a guy yesterday, Jerry Woods, who stopped us on our bikes and asked where we were going, etc. He was a very nice guy and incredibly he is 76 years old and had triple by pass last summer and hopes to be climbing mountains next year. We told him we might go to Stewart. He said you have to see the grizzly bears down at the creek scooping the salmon out of the water. We said; really? He said yeah it’s incredible. That makes our decision much easier and I think we’ll head to Stewart and then over to Hyder, Alaska. If we see what he tells us we will for sure get pictures Mike said he’d even snuggle up close for a picture!

Special note: Monster Cookies. 
Mike and DEBBIE made 5 dozen monster cookies for our trip? These are made with oatmeal, M&M’s, corn syrup, butter, chocolate chips, peanut butter, and pasteurized milk. They are AWESOME! You can’t eat too many (the are monsters in size) and we STILL have a couple dozen left. Debbie, you may want to send the receipe. I strongly recommend and endorse them. Thanks DEBBIE (and Mike).


Driving Home - Day 28

Day 28

We just finished our 2nd day driving home. We went from McBride to Jasper and then we stopped and went to Tim Horton’s (free wifi) and tried to send emails. After 90 minutes we had only sent 10 emails with pictures out of 40. We had to get on the road so we took off with hopes of finding a spot tonight with better wifi. We headed south (a new route) and drove thru Banff National park thru the rockies. Beyond belief (again) as we went thru the mountains for 100 miles. We got a bunch of pictures that hopefully we can send. We are now just east of Calgary. Approximately 1200 miles from home. 

One thing we talked about today was what we’d try to remember if we had to do this over. How about the following that we don’t have: 

  • toaster
  • spatula
  • thermometer
  • Binoculars
  • crock pot (that was Tim’s addition which I veto)
  • clock
  • better camera (telescopic). Well needed on this trip.
  • Tim’s bike (his wife, Nancy, told him to bring it. He didn’t)
  • Our wives

What we remembered that was critical: Your prayers for us! I only took 4 falls (all bad) but still walking. Miraculously. Mike hasn’t fallen or had any accidents - A MIRACLE! Today it rained ALL day! Incredible how we missed 99% of that weather. We hope to be home in 2.5 to 3 more days! We are ready!

PS: Part of that once in a lifetime vacation you must go to Stewart/Hyder! In addition you have to drive thru Calgary and up thru Banff National Park (thru the Rockies). You won’t believe anything could be better than that until you get to Stewart, BC, and Hyder, AK.
We have quite a slide show to play which we will at the "Party of the Century" prior to the White Sidewalls playing. You are in for a treat!

Love you all and God bless. Keep praying till we get home.

Chuck & Mike


Woo Hoo the guys DID IT! They made it to Hyder, Alaska!!
(insert fireworks, confetti, balloons, and marching bands here). WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

They actually made it there as planned, in on piece, no major mishaps or obstacles, in less than one month. Truly amazing. I have to say I'm very impressed. What a fantastic accomplishment. A HUGE congratulations from all of us back in Luck, WI and beyond.

Chuck sent me these pics but I have yet to get his blog post, so I apologize for lack of details at the moment (I'm sure I will receive them tonight sometime). They are probably out celebrating, and who could blame them. In fact, I really hope they are. They deserve to relish in every bit of their moment...and what a beautiful place to do it, too.

Downtown Hyder, Alaska


Bad omen? He showed up just before I took a digger ~ Chuck

Hyder harbor

Hyder harbor

More Hyder harbor...

The rock slide we came upon.

This one had Mike's name on it...(look closely). Poor Mike.

Salmon Glacier

More of Salmon Glacier

Big 'ol Grizzly looking for fish

"I'm looking for a man named Chuck, have you seen him"? ~ Ted E. Bear

"Sorry, my name is Boo Boo. Yogi will be here shortly" ~ Boo Boo